Brownie Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cookies
I box brownie mix any kind, brand, etc
1/3 C canola oil, or vegetable oil.
1 egg
2 TB water
1 TS pure vanilla extract
For the dough, I used my recipe, you can find it here
Once you make them, roll them into balls, and freeze for two hours. After the two hours, preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Spray a baking sheet with cooking spray and set aside. Mix brownie mix, vanilla, egg, oil, and water until fully combined. Drop by spoonfuls onto baking sheet and with the bottom of a small glass, flatten slightly. Take the cookie dough balls out of the freezer and press into the brownie mixture. Bake at 375 degrees for 10-12 minutes.
These cookies are ooey, gooey, goodness. So don't be alarmed. Just let them cool, and chow down. Makes about 16 cookies.
Speaking of cookies..I also had the chance to make more Berger cookies this past Saturday. I made the goods for some friends, I hope they enjoy them :)
Thanks to everyone who follows my blog, I appreciate you all.
Why didnt you make these when you came to Florida!!!!?!?!?!?